2024 Fall Classes

Begin the week of September 16

 Note:  All class times are Eastern Daylight Time

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Registration now open!


Painting Fall!

Skill Level:  Beginner with some experience – advanced intermediate

6 Week Class

Have fun painting fresh, luminous, fall colors.

Areas of focus

  • Maintaining the luminous personality of watercolor

  • Keeping your colors fresh

  • Being confident with your brushwork and application

  • Working with semi-neutral and saturated colors

  • Loosen up and have fun painting the wonders of fall

Some of the demos 


Painting Fall (New Class)

Class Schedule

Class:  C238

12:30 – 2:00 PM EDT


Sept 17 – Oct 22


  • Format A – Live weekly 90 minute class using Zoom which will include demo and Q&A
  • Recorded weekly critique of homework
  • Private Class Bulletin Board for posting using Facebook Groups
  • Recording available for 1 Year
  • Single point of access to all links and information using Podia

Cost:  $129 US

Class:  C239

12:30 – 2:00 PM EDT


Sept 19 – Oct 24


  • Format A – Live weekly 90 minute class using Zoom which will include demo and Q&A
  • Recorded weekly critique of homework
  • Private Class Bulletin Board for posting using Facebook Groups
  • Recording available for 1 Year
  • Single point of access to all links and information using Podia

Cost:  $129 US

Class:  C240



Sept 19 – Oct 24


  • Format B – Independent Study using a recorded demonstration
  • Weekly recorded critique of homework
  • Private Class Bulletin Board for posting using Facebook Groups
  • Recording available for 1 Year
  • Single point of access to all links and information using Podia

Cost:  $119 US