Affiliations and Exhibitions


American Watercolor Society – Signature Member

Ohio Watercolor Society – Signature Member, Former Trustee

Transparent Watercolor Society – Associate Member

Cuyahoga Valley Art Center

Medina Art League

Member of the Crooked River Gang –  National Park Exhibiting Artists Volunteers




158th International Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society (Fred E. Albrecht Memorial Award)


157th International Exhibition of The American Watercolor Society

Transparent Watercolor Society of America’s 48th Annual Exhibition (Lehmann Memorial Award)

47th Annual Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society (Silver Medal)


46th Annual Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society (Award of Distinction)


45th Annual Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society


44th Annual Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society


43rd Annual Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society (Award of Distinction)


42nd Annual Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society (Don Getz Memorial Award)

49th International Exhibition of the Louisiana Watercolor Society

40th National Exhibition of the Georgia Watercolor Society

36th Annual Art by the Falls (Honorable Mention)

42nd Annual Art in the Park Medina (Second Place)

Art on the Green Hudson (Hilary Sheeter Memorial Award)


151st International Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society

41st Annual Juried Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society (Don Getz Memorial Award)

48th International Exhibition of the Louisianna Watercolor Society

Plein Air Peninsula Spring 2018 (Honorable Mention)

35th Annual Art by the Falls  ( Honorable Mention)

41st Annual Art in the Park Medina (Best of Show)

Art on the Green Hudson (First Place)

16th Annual Kaleidoscope Juried Art Show (Honorable Mention)


Transparent Watercolor Society of America  41st National Juried Exhibition

Watercolor Ohio 2017 the 40th Annual Juried Competition of the Ohio Watercolor Society (Traveling Show)

Georgia Watercolor Society XXXVIII National Juried Exhibition (16th Place Award)

Louisiana Watercolor Society 47th International Juried Exhibition (Byron Levy Memorial Award)

Plein Air Penninsula 2017 Fall Colors (2nd Place)

15th Annual Kaleidoscope Juried Art Show


Watercolor Ohio – Ohio Watercolor Society juried exhibition

Portage Park Foundation Juried Art Show

Regional Juried Exhibition – Cuyahoga Valley Art Center, First Place

Landscape Show – Cuyahoga Valley Art Center, First Place

Plein Air Competition – Cuyahoga Valley Art Center, First Place/Second Place

Floral Competition – Cuyahoga Valley Art Center, Third Place

Past Exhibitions

Watercolor Ohio – Ohio Watercolor Society

International Exhibit – Louisiana Watercolor Society

North American Open – New England Watercolor Society

Numerous regional exhibits and competitions