Rick Surowicz Watercolor

This is my business page where I share information about all aspects of my art.
Rick Surowicz Watercolor Friends and Subscribers

About this Facebook Group
I set this group up in conjunction with my YouTube channel “Rick Surowicz Watercolor” and my Online Learning Center to create a sharing, learning, and encouraging community centered around transparent watercolor. It’s intended to be a platform where you can share your art, experiences, ideas and offer encouragement. I also use this as direct communication link to inform about my YouTube channel and Online Learning Center.
Rick Surowicz Learning Center Discussion Group

About this Facebook Group
This is an exclusive group limited to individuals taking my self-study and live online courses. It’s intended to be a place to discuss, post efforts, give respectful feedback, and share experiences related to the courses. It also provides valuable input to help me continuously improve my instruction. This group will receive the latest information and updates related to my courses.